Acrylic Uses
Acrylic products include acrylic plates, acrylic plastic pellets, acrylic light boxes, signs, acrylic bathtubs, acrylic artificial marble, acrylic resin, acrylic (latex) paint, acrylic adhesives and other products, and there are many types.

The acrylic products that people commonly see are acrylic products that are assembled from raw materials such as acrylic granules, sheets, or resins through various processing methods, and with various spare parts of different materials and functions. As for the commonly heard acrylic fiber, acrylic cotton, acrylic yarn, acrylic nylon, etc., they refer to man-made fibers polymerized from acrylic acid and have nothing to do with acrylic products.
Among them, the acrylic sheets that people often talk about is Polymeric Methyl Methacrylate (PMMA) sheets, which is polymerized from “Methyl Methacrylate monomer Methyl Methacrylate (MMA)”. Or it is extruded from acrylic pellets through sheet extruded machine. In the past, the sheet was commonly known as plexiglass.
Acrylic comes from the English acrylic, which means a PMMA plate made of MMA, an organic compound. Its transparency and light transmittance are like glass. Because all plates made of transparent plastics such as PS, PC, etc. or inferior recycled MMA are collectively called plexiglass. For the sake of differentiation, PMMA sheets made of high-quality pure material MMA are all called acrylic sheets to distinguish them from ordinary plexiglass sheets.